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Christa Crump on March 13, 2020 at 9:26 PM said:

Greetings. I am asking for prayer for many things troubling me financially (I don't have income) which is frustrating. Praying for approval from the government for SSI-disability and everything owed to me financially. I loss my mom September 1 2018 and it's very hard mostly for me to deal with. My sister and I share the house and she is paying the bills and very frustrated which I can understand. There is a reverse mortgage on the house and if we don't pay it we will have to move out.(foreclosure date is March 19 and we need a miracle to save the house). I'm asking God to destroy it in the name of Jesus. Nobody is not going to take away our inheritance. Please pray for the miraculous in every area. These last 7 years had been the worse where I experienced the most loss. Also asking God to connect me to my destiny and this will be a great year for family and I in all areas. Also prayer for healing and deliverance for Tammy Chavis and her family. Also the family of Clarence Tignor who died 3
Fridays ago. Sorry for being lengthy but I had to vent. Blessings to you

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